In an increasingly complex and fiercely competitive global market, effective supply chain management is considered as a crucial factor in determining the success or failure of a business. Procurement, an indispensable section in any organization, plays a vital role in ensuring the continuous and efficient operation of a business. This is a fast-growing field which is likely to offer a lot of job opportunities to students after graduation.

Procurement is the pioneering training program in Vietnam and also one of the 16 curricula of the College of Foreign Economic Relations. It aims to train and develop professional procurement officers to meet the demand of the global labor market.

The procurement curriculum focuses on equipping students with expertise in procurement management, negotiation, risk management, supplier relationship management, and supply chain management, which aims to help students become experts in the field of procurement.

Students will be instructed to practise through real-life situations to master the necessary skills in procurement.

A talk show - Discussion on procurement
The connection between COFER and businesses creates opportunities for students to visit businesses, do an internship, and get a job after graduation.

COFER has established close relationships with businesses, especially foreign-invested enterprises to cooperate and develop a curriculum with the most practical knowledge in the field of procurement, goods control and product supply.

Students’ field trip to Ajinomoto factory

Procurement has not been formally trained nationwide. Therefore, COFER as a pioneer in offering training courses in procurement would like to catch up with the trend and open up a wealth of job opportunity for young and energetic workers in the fields like manufacturing, retail, and services.

Procurement is not only a supportive section but also an important link that determines the success of any business. Effective procurement management helps businesses reduce costs, ensure a stable supply chain, and manage risks efficiently. Hence, investing in education and training of human resources in procurement is essential for businesses to develop sustainably and compete in the modern business environment.