Our general goal is to become the leading college in Vietnam in terms of quality training in the Trade and Service Sector. The training programs are standardized, updated, and suitable for Vietnamese conditions. Students’ learning outcomes are recognized by universities and colleges in the region and around the world. The school itself and its majors are accredited by regional and international accreditation organizations.


The college aims to attract highly qualified workforce, improve the quality of the lecturers and administrators and support the teaching affairs.

We constantly modernize and professionalize the school’s administration and teaching activities to train high-quality workforce in the field of Trade - Services with ethics and health. College graduates are responsible and capable of performing college-level work and solving complex tasks relating to their majors or professions.

They not only have creative ability but also are able to apply cutting - edge techniques and technologies to their work, guide and supervise others in the group to handle the job to satisfaction, making good conditions for their job opportunities and higher education.

According to Decision No. 964/QD-CKD dated December 30, 2017 of the Principal of the College of Foreign Economic Relations