The mission of the College Of Foreign Economic Relations is to train and provide highly - qualified Bachelors (with Applied Degree) in the field of Trade and Services, to develop learners’ autonomy and capacity to creatively apply science, and to establish and enhance students’ working skills and lifestyle in an integration environment of international economy.


By 2020, the College Of Foreign Economic Relations will become the leading college in the country in terms of Trade and Services major, ensuring the graduates have enough competitiveness and can adapt with the global economy and be accredited by an independent vocational education accreditation organization.

By 2030, the College Of Foreign Economic Relations will become a prestigious college, with quality on par with colleges in the ASEAN region, meeting the country's development and integration requirements, and be acrredited by an international educational accreditation organization.

According to Decision No. 964/QD-CKD dated December 30, 2017 of the Principal of the College of Foreign Economic Relations